Thursday, May 22, 2014

Carrie: Day 4 - Oh Mylanta...

I go on and off different vitamin supplements every few years, and every time I forget how sick to my stomach I get while adjusting - to a new multi-vitamin in particular. Today was that lucky adjustment day, leaving my running in and out of the bathroom, consistently nauseous and yet somehow still hungry at the same time. It finally seemed to subside approaching 8 pm, which is a huge relief since I know I need the added vitamins - it seems really difficult to get solid amounts of iron, calcium, and B vitamins during this whole vegan thing.

No interesting new food items today - still working my way through Sunday's groceries! I did, however, find a great list of the top rated restaurants in DC that are vegan-friendly, so I'm looking forward to mixing it up this weekend with some of my spare time! Maybe I'll finally have some yummy food photos to put up on here :)

In general observations, I have noticed significantly fewer palpitations and PVCs over the last few days - did I mention before that I have heart problems? I actually saw my cardiologist 2 weeks ago for my annual check-up and had to mention my concerns about the increasing frequency of these annoyances, and although he said it sounded normal for people with my condition he was planning on putting me on one of those month-long monitoring programs when I got back to check everything out. Good news is, I haven't had one symptom in the last 2 days! I can't remember the last time that happened - probably a solid 2 years. Don't want to count my chickens, but I'm really hoping this keeps up. Very encouraging so far.

Tomorrow will be interesting, since we'll be at the Pentagon all day - first time I won't be able to bring my usual containers of snacks and lunch, so I'll be winging it.

Morning pulse - 48 again, I wonder if it will continue to stay lower than normal?
Daily breakdown - 57% carbs, 30% fat, 13% protein
Exercise - Unless you count physically HAVING the runs, nada. That's 2 days in a row - not good for training!
Water consumption - 140 oz

Until tomorrow...


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