Today Chris and I spent most of the day working on the new garden. A couple weeks ago, we tilled up a section of lawn between and adjacent to two existing raised beds. Today we fenced it, made it groundhog-proof, and set in some lettuce and herbs. I also planted some flowers in window boxes and outdoor tubs. It was a lovely day to be next to the Merrimack river. A bald eagle was circling above at one point, and we also caught sight of the groundhog momma.
My cold is getting better, but I continued the tea and cough drop routine all day. Ricola cough drops (my favorite) are a whopping 15 calories each. My aim is to cut down on excess sugar, but I don't like sugar free cough drops, and I needed something to stay comfortable. The Fisherman's Friend ones work well and are only 4 calories. I had some of those too.
Breakfast: Oatmeal with pecans, cinnamon, and soy milk. Coffee with soy milk. 320 calories.
Chris made my coffee and started to pour some Coffee-Mate creamer in before I was able to stop him. We checked the label for ingredients and it included cream! Who knew. So technically I had a little dairy in my coffee. He said maybe a teaspoon went in.
Lunch: Brown rice and black eyed peas curry, mesclun salad with balsamic glaze, two dates. 363 calories.
Snacks: At various times of day, some tortilla chips with salsa, two squares of Lindt dark chocolate, and cough drops. 322 calories.
Dinner: Vegetable skewers on the grill, with baby potatoes, shallots, red pepper, and pineapple. Jasmine rice, shredded red cabbage with Thai pepper sauce, sliced cucumbers, and fruit (strawberry, mango). I had two skewers. 424 calories.
Chris made similar skewers for the kids that included chicken and chorizo sausage.
Chris told me that he is going to join me in this challenge by cutting down on animal foods for the next few weeks. He wants to lower his cholesterol and drop a few pounds. His meals today were the same as mine, with a few extra indulgences. Bravo, Chris! (He's also the one that likes to make the plates look pretty!)
Total calories for the day 1,429, but I also burned some calories pounding stakes, hauling buckets of dirt, raking, and other garden tasks. I'm calling today on-target for calories.
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