Sunday, June 15, 2014

Debbie - Day 27: birdwatching and a dinner mistake

Saturday was a gardening and outdoor day.  We did some birdwatching, morning and evening.  The song sparrow nest now has five eggs, and the Eastern phoebes have two or three fat chicks that barely fit in theirs, up under the deck eaves.  Great blue heron and bald eagles were sighted several times.  I drew yellow warblers, cardinals, and cedar waxwings close by playing their calls on my phone.  The iridescent-blue bank swallows put on an acrobatic show over the water and right above our heads as the sun sank.
sparrow eggs in the Iris patch
Breakfast was whole wheat toast and peanut butter, coffee with soy milk and sugar, and fresh fruit.  I didn't track calories for the day.

Lunch was on the fly, some leftover brown rice and veggies with ginger sauce, and more cubed watermelon.  I made apple cinnamon iced tea, sweetened.  I also had some potato chips "because they were there."  Someday I am going to live in an environment that doesn't contain junk food!

Snacks included some raw cashews, dark chocolate, cranberry trail mix, and fruit.

Dinner was lovely.  The kids were all out doing other things, so after a day of gardening and other work, we had an evening to ourselves.

I made a spicy lentil soup, garnished with dill, basil, rosemary, and cilantro from the garden, and a slice of lemon.  Chris made a salad with garden lettuce, purple cabbage, celery, and red and yellow peppers.  Finished with a side of water-sauteed zucchini and mushrooms with pepper and nutmeg, and a couple glasses of Pinot Grigio.  The flowers came from the garden and yard.

Chris pointed out to me after dinner that I had used chicken broth in the soup -- oops!  For some reason I thought that leftover broth in the fridge was veggie.

Considering the yard work, I wasn't concerned about calories today.  I forgot the morning weigh-in, so that will be tomorrow.

Happy Father's Day to the Dads here!  :)

1 comment:

  1. What a great dinner! ...amen (potato chips) on the available snacks environment.
